UPCOMING COURSES: Fall/Winter 2023

People who take our courses say that their professional and personal lives improve. We offer a variety of themes designed to help you understand how conflict can be better managed in your personal life, workplace, and community. Registration is open for our Fall lineup of courses. Click here for a complete at-a-glance schedule.

Introduction to Mediation––Basics and Advanced MA Qualification

40 hours, 12 sessions (total for both segments), October to December 2023, Tuesdays 10am–12:30pm

The first segment is a six-session interactive course where participants learn the principles, process, and theory of facilitative mediation in a hands-on process. In the second segment, participants who wish to continue toward MA qualification will review mediation complexity and dilemmas, diversity, impasses, and ethical topics. For more information, click here.

Workplace Cohort Conflict Management

15 hours, 10 sessions, mid-October through December 2023, Wednesdays 9–10:30am

Improve approaches to workplace conflict with a confidential cohort of managers and supervisors. Using text, discussion, and case studies, this course is interactive. For more information, click here.

Facilitating Meetings and Groups

20 hours, 10 sessions, mid-October through December 2023, Mondays 4–6pm

Taught by experienced facilitators and teachers, this course is for those who manage groups, meetings, and multi-party mediation cases. Tips, strategies, planning, and communication approaches to managing groups of people. For more information, click here.

“MV Mediation has great courses! You should learn with them. Great people, and I had fun.”   – ––One of our participants, after taking two courses